We asked physicians across Arizona their thoughts on integrative medicine. Here's what they told us:

Which services are offered?
General Integrative Medicine Consults, Medical Oncology Integrative Medicine Consults, Massage (traditional and Reiki), Acupuncture (1 on 1 and group), Integrative Medical Fellowship for Hematology/Oncology fellows. —John Camoriano, MD, FACP
Bioidentical hormones, thyroid disease, functional medicine, acupuncture, massage, nutrition services, clinical hypnosis. —Melinda Atienza, DO
No “services” but since the definition of integrative medicine is taking into account the “whole person including lifestyle,” a preventive-oriented practice emphasizing diet and lifestyle is integrative. I focus on lifestyle modification a lot with patients. However, since many things are often considered under the umbrella of “integrative,” it should be noted that only evidenced-based interventions are discussed at my office. —Melanie Cloonan-Schulte, MD, FACP
Lifestyle medicine - holistic approach to optimize the fitness, nutrition, hormones, mindset; medical acupuncture and some osteopathic manipulation where indicated. —Tammy Penhollow, DO
Medical Acupuncture. —Traci Pritchard, MD
ENT. —Jeffrey Taffert, MD
Medical Acupuncture. —Steven Burns, MD
Osteopathic Manipulation, Massage, Full Med Spa Services, Hypnotherapy, Dietary Counseling and training, Exercise Counseling and training. —Adam Nally, DO
Meet the participating Physicians:

Melanie Cloonan-Schulte, MD

Lydia Ehlenberger, MD

Stephen P. Herman, MD

Melinda Atienza, DO

Ann Bullington MD

Please share your views on the differences between allopathic, osteopathic, integrative, and naturopathic medicine.
Ideally, they are mutually supportive approaches and philosophies that cover different aspects of a patient’s medical care and pursuit of health. Allopathic covers traditional scientific method, osteopathic covers the same plus manipulation, integrative pulls from many historical and natural, mind-body, nutritional and movement traditions and naturopathic leverages natural products and off label use of other drugs and supplements. —John Camoriano, MD, FACP
Naturopathic medicine uses non-evidence-based testing, treatments, and interventions. Integrative medicine can be done by both allopathic and osteopathic practitioners and uses evidence-based and scientifically accurate knowledge with a focus on the whole person, not a specific organ or disease state. — Melanie Cloonan-Schulte, MD, FACP
Differing philosophies on the approach to medicine. —Michel Sucher, MD
Integrative Medicine takes a more holistic and preventative approach to the patient than traditional allopathic medicine. In my opinion, traditional medicine is too focused on prescribing pharmaceuticals and not in finding the root causes of disease and approaching treatment from that direction. —Ann Bullington, MD
I don’t understand all the differences but am very hesitant without controlled trials about the risks and benefits of using different substances/herbs/vitamins. I am also very skeptical of providers that directly sell and profit off their patients. —Jane Lyons, MD
Both have roles: but not equal roles. In the truly sick patient, allopathic should dominate but not completely. For wellness: naturopaths have the upper hand. —Jeffrey Taffet, MD
They are blurring. Allopathic are either capitulating to corporate medicine or opening their minds to IM. DOs, NPs, NMDs, Chiropractor are striving to mimic Allopathic docs in many ways including whatever needs to be done for the reimbursement game. All these disciplines have a differentiated laudable root but are becoming homogenized. Some NMDs are perhaps more zealous about medical cannabis...but that too is just the revenue generation game that we all play. Bottom line, all contribute wonderfully to healthcare, and I’ve personally utilized all for my healthcare needs. —Traci Pritchard, MD
No differences between allopathic and osteopathic medicine. Integrative is a vague term that has no real meaning. Naturopathy is quackery. —Steven Burns, MD
Many patients have not seen improvement in their illnesses within allopathic care. They are seeking a different approach that does not involve more medications. —Melinda Atienza, DO
Significant difference in approach to the whole body between allopathic and osteopathic medicine. Osteopathic medicine naturally uses multiple integrative modalities. —Adam Nally, DO
Meet the participating Physicians:

Tammy Penhollow, DO

Traci Pritchard, MD
Traci Pritchard MD PLLC

What does the future hold for integrative medicine?
A merging with allopathic medicine such that they are both taught and practiced in a manner that leads to access for all patients in the future. —John Camoriano, MD, FACP
Diet, exercise, and other lifestyle interventions will continue to have more focus and deservedly so, but the internet, alternative practitioners who are not evidence-based and other sources will compete for expertise and muddy the waters of what is actually helpful and what is the modern version of “snake oil.” —Melanie Cloonan-Schulte, MD, FACP
Very bright. Will continue to grow. —Michel Sucher, MD
If evidenced-based, and with young doctors, the future looks very good for this approach. —Stephen P. Herman, MD
Promising. —Lydia Ehlenberger, MD
This is what patients are looking for. It needs to be the future of medicine. —Melinda Atienza, DO
It looks quite good. —Adam Nally, DO
It will probably continue to be a large market. I believe in the benefits of helping a patient’s entire life in addition to only their medical concerns, but there are many that want to profit from their patients and not use thoroughly tested treatments. —Jane Lyons, MD
Depends on reimbursement from the criminal cartel of insurance companies. Most people can’t concierge docs. —Jeffrey Taffet, MD
In my ideal world, the things that can be proven with scientific testing, i.e., double-blind trials, etc., will be retained and the rest will land on the ash-heap of history. —Steven Burns, MD
It will be mainstream. My concern is will it stay true to its original mission. —Traci Pritchard, MD
The future may very well be exceptionally bright for an integrative approach to healing as we combine the knowledge of ages and go back to our roots of treating the person as a unique individual not a number and apply holistic approaches to cure (or put in western “remission”) the horrific chronic diseases that plague our societies - diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Lifestyle choices are at the root, and this requires a huge buy-in and commitment from the patient in a co-laboring approach to prevent progression and possibly reverse the processes. The future is prevention and the integrative approach of all of us working toward a healthier future for our patients and ourselves. —Tammy Penhollow, DO
I believe many more patients will seek out integrative medicine in the future and we will need more physicians trained in this discipline. —Ann Bullington, MD